Thursday, August 30, 2018

AP Psych-correlaitonal or experimental

Analyze the following and determine if they are correlational or experimental and WHY. If experimental, illustrate a bar graph and label axis. If correlation, what would the sample coefficient (r) or scatterplot look like?

1. Participants were asked to measure their steps over a month using an electronic device. Those subjects who took more steps were associated​ with better memory on a facial recognition task. This was true of participants age 55 and up, but not the younger ones.

2. Elderly participants with mild cognitive impairments were randomly assigned​ to one of two groups: a moderate exercise group (45-60 minutes supervised by a trainer) or a stretching group. Pre and post MRI scans were taken and after six months and participants were given a battery of cognitive tests. Participants in the aerobic exercise group showed, in addition to higher cognitive scores, faster walk times, and improved glucose tolerance. Aerobic exercise also led to significant increases in blood flow to certain areas of the brain, not when participants were exercising, but when they were at rest via brain imaging technology. This blood flow is associated with better health and activity.

3. Over a 15-year period, 2,000 older Australians were observed. Researchers took note of depressive symptoms as well as other life situations, like medical conditions and physical impairments. As people aged (especially those nearing death or experiencing chronic illness), more depressive symptoms were noted.

4. Male rats were assigned to one of four situations: a) a cage with a wheel to run on; b) a resistance ladder to climb with weights placed on tail; c) an interval regimen that included sprinting on a treadmill; and d) no exercise equipment. The rats who ran on wheels showed the greatest amount of neurogenesis (new neurons) in their hippocampus.​ The weight lifters were strong, but had no neural growth, similar to the sedentary rodents. The interval/anaerobic condition showed more neural growth than sedentary rodents; however, not as much as the aerobic/wheel running.​ Sample video of rat using resistance training

5. A new drug was tested on a group of aging mice. Three groups of “rapidly aging” mice were used: A young set, an old one, and an old one that was fed the new drug as they aged. The male and female “old mice” were 20 months old and randomly assigned to regular diet or one enhanced with a new drug “J147.” The old mice that received the new drug performed better on cognition/memory tests (e.g. a maze). The old mice with the new drug had biological similarities to the young mice: They had increased metabolism and reduced brain inflammation. Researchers believe this drug has anti-aging effects.

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