Thursday, September 1, 2016

In your group you are to create the “ideal” presidential candidate.  So take a minute or two and think about what qualities you believe the president should posses.  Should they be compassionate?  Educated?  Have military experience?  Be married?  All of the information below needs to be in your PowerPoint. You need to have at least one picture per slide and all slides must have a background.  Your group will give a 3-5 minute presentation of your candidate. Be creative with your candidate and have fun J

 Slide 1:  Candidate’s name, picture, political party, campaign slogan (bonus if your candidate’s fight song is playing the background)

Slide 2:  short bio of candidate: age, physical features, spouse, children, where are they from, all the places they have lived, how was their upbringing? pets, siblings, who are there parents? 

Slide 3:  previous work experience:  jobs they have held, education, did they go to college? All the degrees they have had, do they have any political or military background?  

Slide 4:  How does your candidate feel about education:  look into education issues that are current and state your candidates view. 

Slide 5:  How does your candidate feel about environment:  look into education issues that are current and state your candidates view. 

Slide 6: How does your candidate feel about health care:  look into education issues that are current and state your candidates view. 

Slide 7: How does your candidate feel about immigration look into education issues that are current and state your candidates view. 

Slide 8: How does your candidate feel about military look into education issues that are current and state your candidates view. 

Slide 9:  What would be the first three issues your candidate would tackle if they were president and why? 

Slide 10:  List of your 5 main supporters and final thoughts on why we should vote for your candidate! 

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